Shadowlands Private Servers - Shadowlands WoW Servers - Zremax (2025)

Shadowlands Private Servers | Top Shadowlands WoW Servers

Shadowlands Private Servers are one of the newest expansions by Blizzard. There are already several servers to choose between, with increased rates.
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Why is Shadowlands worth playing?

If you don’t know already,the leveling system in Shadowlands is revampedcompletely, and Blizzard made a squish. It is said that Blizzard wanted to make the Endgame content faster to play and experience. As a result, the leveling experience is faster, and you get into the game. Whether you’re into that or not is subjective, but Blizzard did try to bring back some of the popular things from the past Expansions, into Shadowlands.

The feedback from the majority is that Shadowlands is a very engaging and fun expansion to play on. The reason is that there’s plenty of activity, and things to do. For example through World bosses, challenging zones, Dungeons, Minigames and much more. It’s clear notice that Blizzard had a lot of focus in this area, which is great!

A second thing, is that the storytelling is said to be extremely great. This includes gameplay, ingame cinematics, novels, creature texts and much more, which is very inspiring.

If you’re still wondering whether you should get back into Shadowlands, we recommend checkingWowhead’s Great Shadowlands Article. It gives you a great overview of the pros and cons. This article part just sums it all up.

Steps to play on a Shadowlands Private Server

We now consider that you’re interested in getting into Shadowlands. The very first thing you should do, is to find a Private Server of Shadowlands to play on.
You can do that by seeing a list of current servers through our page. As time goes, the list will be larger, but for now, these are the current ones you can play on, if you want to play Shadowlands. Unless you play on retail of course.
When you browse through the list, you will notice the recommended servers are in the top. These are the ones we urge you to check first.
When clicking on a particular server, you will get an overview of what the specific server provides. For example, the realm type, the population, realm-rates and a description of the server. All this helps you to get to know the server.

After you have chosen a server from the provided list, you should press “Start playing”. When doing so, you will get into the website of the chosen server. In here, you can create an account on their server, download a client, and get into the game.
That’s really what there is to know about this part!

To summerize it:
– Find a server on the list
– Read the server information, to make sure it’s for you!
– Press “Start Playing” to get into the website of your selected server
– Create an account on their website
– Download a Shadowlands Client on their website
– Note down their Realmlist content, and change your realmlist data, and launch WoW.exe

You can also download aWoW Shadowlands Clientthrough us.

After doing the steps above, you’re ready to play World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Private Servers.

Are there any Shadowlands WoW Private Servers?

The expansion World of Warcraft: Shadowlandswas released the 23 november 2020, meaning it’s a very new game version. As a result, it’s not unusual that the upcoming servers that run this expansion, patch 9.0.2+ will face a lot of bugs ingame. But it’s about finding the World of Warcraft Shadowlands Private Server with the lowest amount of bugs and the highest stability. You will be able to find insight on that through our well-documented page here. But it’s no secret: Each time a new expansion comes out, private server developers need time to implement the content. That also includes reversing the new packets and opcodes, and a lot more. Shortly said, it’s a very time-consuming task, and the servers need a strong development team, to release a proper Shadowlands server quickly.
This is the explaination why there aren’t as many new servers for this expansion, straight away. Luckily, there are someWorld of Warcraft Private Serversthat are aware of this and prioritize the new expansions as soon as possible.

The very first private server for Shadowlands that has officially announced that they will be working and implementing this game version, is Firestorm. They have said Shadowlands will be arriving on Firestorm, but also said that it’s currently in very early stages. This means that it may take some time before it will happen. To be more concrete, Firestorm mentioned that they will work on Shadowlands, as soon as 8.3 gets released on theirBFA Private Servercalled Sethraliss.

The truth is that there’s no specific date set yet for a Firestorm release for this expansion. Because of that, it might be good to consider other options meanwhile. Luckily, there are some new WoW servers for this expansion that are already released. You should expect features ingame that don’t work, such as certain Shadowlands quests, dungeons, spells and more. But at least you will able to play World of Warcraft Shadowlands for free, and experience the content!

In general, we can promise you that if you have patience, we are absolutely sure that you will get to play on several decent wow servers for Shadowlands.

It is exactly the same with Shadowlands Addons. As more Shadowlands servers pop up, people will also start developing more addons for this expansion.

How promising are Shadowlands WoW Servers?

Shadowlands is a very unique and interesting expansion, bringing a lot of new things to the table. As a fact, the next wow expansion brings a lot of changes. Let’s list a few worthwhile changes:

Leveling in Shadowlands has changed!

Instead of level 120, like the previous expansion, the new maximum level is 60. On a 1x rated server (the official version), it is said that leveling progress will be around 60-70% faster for 1-50, versus the time it took from 1-120. It’s clear that Blizzard wanted to speed up the leveling phase and make sure it took less time to reach the max level.
On Shadowlands Private Servers, you can however expect an increase in the rates, realistically to around 3-12 rated. This is what most Private Servers choose to do. Therefore, you can expect an even faster leveling experience, compared to retail.

As always, the expansion also comes with a lot of new zones and more content to experience! Naturally, this also means that the upcoming WoW Shadowlands Private Servers need to script the content, which may take additional time. It will be exciting to see the quality of Shadowlands in the private server scene and notice what the top servers will bring.

If you have read througout the page, it’s safe to tell that we at Zremax are excited and hope some of the best servers will appear!
The upcoming WoW Shadowlands Private Server community is promising! We see a lot of interest from players, and also a lot of developers that want to fix this expansion. Exactly this, will result in a lot of new and promising servers for WoW Shadowlands.

Benefits of a WoW Shadowlands Private Server

There are a lot of pros when playing on a Shadowlands WoW Private Server. Let’s list them all here:

  • Servers for this expansion are faster. Usually you will be able to experience a lot of the content, much faster than on retail.
  • Shadowlands Servers are more flexible to play on. You can play with increased XP rates while leveling, and play casually.
  • The community on these type of wow servers are usually more appealing. Through discords, channels etc, you can communicate easier.
  • These type of servers allow gamers across the world, to play together. No more US and EU realms. It’s all combined into one.
  • World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is free to play on a Private Server. You don’t have to pay, meaning you can play for free without any cost.
  • A Private Server is unique. Maybe you’re tired of retail after doing the same thing over and over. It’s not like that here!

What is World of Warcraft Shadowlands?

Shadowlands is a part of Blizzard Activision’s newest expansion that was published for World of Warcraft. You can play it through retail, or you can play it through a Shadowlands WoW Private Server. It’s a role-playing game, also known as MMORPG, and is played by many million of people. It’s trusly an adventure to play, and is one of the most popular games and expansions ever made. With Shadowlands, Blizzard Activision tried to go back into what their old fans really loved from expansions like Wrath of the Lich King. As a result, the level cap wa decreased to level 60, and Blizzard focused on the good old things.

With a Shadowlands Private Server, you can experience different definitions of wow game servers. For example, you can play on a blizzlike one, a highrated server, a custom or even funserver for this expansion. In regards to this, there are also different realm-types for Shadowlands:

  • Role Playing servers: An extra layer of focus on the role playing factor, but very similar to PvE servers. Good for role-player fans.
  • PvP Servers: This is the most common one and is mostly played. The PvP flag is enabled by default. Allowing you to fight the opposite faction.
  • PvE Servers: A good choice for people who don’t want to fight in open-world. You can level and do your missions, without fearing a backstab.

The opportunities are many, and currently we just sit back and wait for new Shadowlands WoW Servers to come up!

Want to try something different? Become your own Gamemaster, and try aShadowlands WoW Repack.

Which Shadowlands Private Server do you recommend?

If you want to enjoy Shadowlands for World of Warcraft, you want to be playing on the best Private Server for this expansion. As a player, it can be quite difficult to decide on the best one. And the truth is that the question is very subjective. But there are some general steps to keep in mind when choosing a Shadowlands Private Server.
When you scroll through our list of servers, we always try to show the best matches in the top. Our ranking system is a complex algorithm that depend on many factors. This includes amount of reviews, the rating score, population, and what we see trending. Because of that, we always recommend you to check the servers in the top first.

As you look through our list, you will notice that the majority of the servers for Shadowlands are 2-5X rated, in terms of experience gain. The reason is that this rate is quite popular, and the majority prefer playing with a little increased experience gain. If you want to play on such a server, you can try Anaconda or Hellgarve.
If you however want a server that has Blizzlike rates (1X XP), you can consider Scarlet-Twisting.

But keep in mind that currently, all the listed WoW Shadowlands Servers are released in 2024. The main reason is that it’s a very new Expansion, and it’s still running on retail. However, most of the current servers for this expansion are rather low populated. The majority have a population of around 10-100. Hopefully we will see the servers rising in the future, with a higher playerbase.
We also predict that several of the big known servers will release a realm running on Shadowlands. This could be running onpatch 9.0.5and bring a lot of gamers into their realm. It may be a smart move, as many players want to play Shadowlands, but on a high populated and active Private Server.

However keep in mind that even though Shadowlands is a new expansion, it is currently not the newest version for World of Warcraft. Blizzard has released their latest game version, which is related to Dragonflight Private Servers.


It looks promising for the Shadowlands expansion in the Private Server scene, and we can expect several WoW Servers to offer Shadowlands. What we don’t know yet, is how the quality will be, as well as when it will come out. We mentioned that Firestorm has officially announced that they will work on Shadowlands, very soon. That might make other servers want to compete and offer 9.x content too. The people at Zremax are excited, and hope that Shadowlands will be enjoyed!
The great thing is that we already see more WoW Servers for Shadowlands appearing. With this speed, the players will have plenty of servers to login and choose between.

Shadowlands Private Servers - Shadowlands WoW Servers - Zremax (2025)
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